Lynn Vincentnathan
Rom-Com Feature

Two college students struggle to overcome family fights about global warming, then try to get married during the worst ever Texas freeze.
Set in tropical Tejano South Texas -- think a lower budget TICKET TO PARADISE -- guy-shy Ellie, suffering from father abandonment and eco-despair, struggles to get fellow college students to care about climate change. Committed to helping her Uncle Layo on his off-grid ranch, the last thing she’s looking for is love. That is until she meets engineering student Jim, a playful playboy, covering his father loss.
Jim is smitten by Ellie and her uncle's alternative energy inventions, but his Uncle Fred is paying for his education and his mom’s mortgage and has obligated Jim to work for his oil engineering firm after college. And Jim’s beloved mom insists he grow up and follow Fred’s lead.
After complications Ellie and Jim fall in love and decide to marry, only to find they have opposing obligations and their uncles nurse a long-time hatred over climate change. They call it off. However, when Jim comes to understand the firm’s deep Arctic Ocean drilling project could lead to an Arctic methane apocalypse, he enlists Ellie’s help to get Fred to scuttle it. As Jim falls into eco-despair, Ellie buds hope in this new mission and takes the lead.
Back together, they plan their wedding, until the worst-ever Texas freeze and grid-failure quashes those plans. And now climate skeptic Fred has new ammo against Layo. The couple’s only option, hold the wedding at Layo’s off-grid ranch. But will the two uncles tear them apart for good?
"Best Romantic Screenplay," Chicago Script Awards (Spring 2023)
"Best Romantic Comedy Screenplay," Georgia Comedy Film Festival (Spring 2023)
"Best Romance Screenplay," The Storyteller Film & Screenwriting Contest (2023)
"Best Romantic Comedy Screenplay," Austin Comedy Film Festival (2023)
"Honorable Mention," The Santa Barbara International Screenplay Awards (March 2023)
"Bronze Remi" for Romantic Comedy Screenplay, WorldFest-Houston (2023)
"Finalist, Screenwriting Pitch" South Texas International Film Festival (2023)
"Semi-Finalist," The Monthly Film Festival (Feb/Mar 2023)
"Best Romantic Comedy Screenplay Finalist," Houston Comedy Film Festival (Summer 2023)
"Best Romantic Comedy Screenplay Finalist," Portland Comedy Film Festival (Spring 2023)